Response of patient Oleg Dunaev

Dear Professor Dr M. K. Truss,

Let me say many thanks personally to you for your competences and professional skills and for high level qualification of every one from your wonderful team. One can assert that you and your professional team perform your work perfectly and your combined efforts allow patients to look ahead with optimism, be insured in future.


My special gratitude to medical nurse Sandra Trazinka-Kosli. She helped me and took care when I was just after my operation during the first hours. I would like to thank Dr D. Prokofiev, he assisted me for all time I was being at the hospital. He was so kindly, answered all my questions and gave explanations with great patience.

So, once again my acknowledgments in address of Center staff for its professional skills and friendly feelings to me and every patient.

Sincerely yours,
Oleg Dunaev.
